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Digital Education Initiatives in the Community Earn Continuous Applause! Time:2024-04-28

  Since the inception of the "Digital Partner Program" microsite in Jinhai Street's Wenxing Community earlier this year, there has been a consistent upgrade in smart course resources and a variety of "digital aid for the elderly" activities have been launched. These initiatives range from one-on-one teaching to group sessions in the "Digital Partner Classroom", all aimed at enhancing the elderly's ability to bridge the "digital divide." Guided by Party-building efforts and centered around the learning needs of the elderly, Wenxing Community leverages professional teaching staff and community education resources. By continuously integrating various resources and refining its unique offerings, the community strives to innovate and enhance methods of digital assistance for the elderly, ensuring that they reap more benefits in the digital era. Building on these classroom initiatives, practical solutions like home-delivered lessons by young Party members offer the elderly the convenience of learning without leaving their homes, thus easing their transition across the digital divide.

  On April 24, a micro-classroom event titled "Smartphone Applications" was held in the community school, focusing on digital education. The session began with a "finger exercise" warm-up for the participants, aimed at getting their fingers limber. The instructor then provided detailed explanations of the "Suishenban" app and various mini-programs, covering everyday scenarios like checking personal pension contributions, using travel codes, and registering for medical appointments. As the elderly participants learned, they also recorded videos for future review. "I hope there are more classes like this every month, so I won't have to bother my grandson to help me," said Mr. Zhang joyfully after learning how to register for medical appointments.

  Moving forward, Wenxing Community will continue to address the challenges faced by the elderly in utilizing smart technology, fostering a rich atmosphere of digital and lifelong learning. This effort aims to significantly enhance the role of elderly education in a learning-oriented community and a technologically advanced society, allowing them to enjoy a high-quality life in the digital age and embodying the ideal of being active, educated, and joyful elders in the new era.